Home Purchase Assistance Program (HPAP)
The Home Purchase Assistance Program (“HPAP”) is available to first-time homebuyers purchasing a home located in the District to provide gap financing to assist with necessary funds to purchase. The assistance provides down payment and closing cost assistance in the form of a deferred interest free loan to first-time District homebuyers falling within the very low and moderate income levels.
The income limits were determined based upon the area median income for the Washington, DC metro area, established by the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
The maximum first trust loan amount cannot exceed the conforming loan limit (currently $1,089,300 – subject to change without notice).
How to Apply
To apply for assistance or to receive more information, please contact one of the following CBOs:
Once your application is complete, the CBO will submit your request for a Notice of Eligibility (“NOE”) to the assigned administrator (DCHFA or GWUL).
Housing Couselors’ Cover Sheet & Checklist for HPAP Applications
What you must do to complete the Home Buying Process:
- Upon receipt of your NOE, complete pre-purchase homeownership training (contact your CBO for instructions)
- Select your home and execute a sales contract and include the HPAP Addendum and Lead Based Paint addendum, if applicable
- Submit your fully ratified sales contract, a first trust lender pre-approval and the Home Purchase Information Form to your Administrator
- Obtain a termite inspection report and submit a copy to your Administrator (N/A for condominiums located on the 4th floor or above)
- Obtain a firm commitment (approval) for a first trust mortgage
- Ensure lender submits a complete loan package to DCHFA for HPAP Firm Commitment (Approval)
- Work with your first trust lender to select a title company to perform settlement and ensure lender submits homeowners’ insurance and title documentation, as instructed by DCHFA
HPAP Information
- HPAP provides gap financing to first time homebuyers earning up to 110 percent of the area median income (MFI)
- Maximum HPAP loan amount for down payment assistance is $202,000
- Maximum HPAP loan amount for closing cost assistance is $4,000
HPAP Eligibility Requirements
In order to qualify for HPAP, you must meet the requirements below:
- Applicant(s) must be a first-time homebuyer (cannot have had an ownership interest in any residential real estate within the three years prior to application).
- Household income must be within the very low-to-moderate income level, based on DHCD’s standards.
- The home being purchased must be for the borrower’s primary residence and must be located within the District of Columbia.
- Possess a good credit rating.
Additional Resources
- Fact Sheet
- DDOE Lead Disclosure Form
- HPAP Contract Information Sheet
- HPAP General Fillable Contract Addendum
- HPAP Inspection Authorization Fillable
- HPAP Lender Checklist
- HPAP Re-Inspection Authorization Fillable