McKinney Act Loan Compliance
Annual Reports
Pursuant to the Loan Agreement the Owner must submit, no later than November 30th each year, the following reports/documents:
- A Certification for the use of the funds, as per the Loan Agreement
- The number of occupied units and the income of the families or persons occupying those units.
- Audited Financials
- All physical inspection reports (if applicable to the project)
- Other documents requested by the Agency or HUD which are reasonably necessary to verify the Owner’s continued compliance with the Loan Agreement.
Additional Information
In addition, the owner shall notify the Agency in writing when Very Low Income occupancy is achieved.
The Agency or HUD shall have the right to inspect the Project and records regarding tenants’ income at reasonable times during normal business hours upon reasonable notice.
How do I submit reports?
- Preferred method: Email PDF attachments to compliancecoordinator@dchfa.org
- Secondary method: Mail to 815 Florida Ave NW, Washington, DC 20001
- Final method: Hand deliver to 815 Florida Ave NW, Washington, DC 20001 M-F 9AM-6PM