To qualify for DCHFA’s programs, there are certain requirements that must be met. Below is an overview of those requirements for each program:
In order to qualify for DC Open Doors, you must meet the minimum requirements below:
Borrower Qualifications
- Borrower does not need to be a first-time homebuyer (cannot own any other property at time of settlement)
- Borrower income may not exceed $216,580 (not based upon household income)
- Minimum Credit Score of 640
Property Qualifications
- Single Family Detached, Attached (town house/row house), Condominium and 2-4 Unit
- Coops not allowed
- Must be a first time homebuyer, having had no ownership interest in a primary residence during the most recent three year period and no ownership interest in any property of any type at the time of settlement.
- At least one borrower must be a current full-time District Government employee, including employees of District Government-based Instrumentalities, Independent Agencies, District of Columbia Public Charter Schools, and Organizations, provided the applicant/borrower’s employer falls under the oversight of the Council of the District of Columbia. (added hyperlink of the agency list)
Program Requirements:
- Maximum household income may not exceed 130 percent Area Median Income (AMI) as published by DCHFA
- Loan amount may not exceed $1,209,750.00
- Maximum borrow income may not exceed $216,580
- Borrower must have a minimum credit score of 640
- Borrower may not have a Debt to Income ratio that exceeds 50 percent
- At least one borrower must take a Homebuyer Education Class
In order to qualify for HPAP, you must meet the requirements below:
- Applicant(s) must be a first-time homebuyer (may not have had an ownership interest in a primary residence within the three years prior to application).
- Household income must be within the very low-to-moderate income level, based on DHCD’s standards.
- The home being purchased must be for the borrower’s primary residence and must be located within the District of Columbia.
- Possess a good credit rating.

If you want to begin the process of buying a home, you will need to work with a Lender. DCHFA has a list of approved lenders that can guide you through one of the various homebuying programs we offer. Click below to see the list of participating lenders.
Participating Lenders