Project Reporting Requirements


Due by January 30th:

  • A current Rent Schedule
  • A current Utility Allowance Schedule or Table
  • Annual Statement from Borrower to Issuer

Due March 31st:

  • IRS Form 8703 Annual Certification of a Residential Project should be filed with the IRS Annually by March 31st with a copy sent to DCHFA & DHCD by March 31st
  • March 31st of each year Audited Financial Statements are due (Audit Requirements)

Due November 1st:

  • November 1st of each year a Proposed Budget is due for Agency review and approval

Due December 31st:

  • The Digital Assurance Certification requires you to submit The Annual Disclosure Report (which includes the Operating Data Template and Annual Financial Information) is due to the dissemination agent on your project’s file/report date
  • Please refer to the Continuning Disclosure Agreemenet to confirm your project’s file/report date.
  • Submit the reporting information to DianaO@DACBond.com, Attention Diana O’Brien
  • If you have any questions regarding the Annual Disclosure reporting, please contact Diana O’Brien at DianaO@DACBond.com or (407) 515-1100

Quarterly Reports

  • Management Operations Summary (MOS)
  • A Rent Roll for each month within the quarter
  • An Occupancy Report for each month within the quarter (the report should contain the Head of Household, number of occupants, bedroom size, annual household income, move-in date, rent amount)
  • Exhibit C of the Tax Regulatory Agreement/Land Use Restriction Agreement “Monthly Report to Issuer/Certification of Continuing Program Compliance” for each month within the quarter
  • Balance Sheet, Aged Accounts Payable, Aged Accounts Receivable, General Ledger, Cash Flow and Income Statement and Variance Report for each month within the quarter

Due Dates:

  • April 30th – reflecting the Project period January, February, March
  • July 30th – reflecting the Project period April, May, June
  • October 30th – reflecting the Project period July, August, September
  • January 30th – reflecting the Project period October, November, December


Project Monitoring Requirements

1) Comprehensive Management Reviews (MOR) – Risk Sharing Projects

Comprehensive Management Reviews will be conducted on an annual basis at Projects with Mortgages regulated under Section 542(c) of the National Housing Act, Housing Finance Agency Risk Sharing Program.

2) Comprehensive Physical Inspections – Risk Sharing Projects

Comprehensive Physical Inspections will be conducted on an annual basis and REAC inspections on a periodic basis depending on the score, at Projects with Mortgages regulated under Section 542(c) of the National Housing Act, Housing Finance Agency Risk Sharing Program.

3) Comprehensive Physical Inspections – Non-Risk Sharing Projects

Comprehensive Physical Inspections will be conducted on a periodic basis at Non-Risk Sharing Projects.

4) Follow-up Physical Inspections – Risk Sharing and Non-Risk Sharing Projects

Follow-up Physical Inspections are conducted on projects which received a score of 80 or below to ensure all deficiencies noted in the physical inspection have been abated.

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