Bond Funded Loans
The Bond Funded Loans is used to facilitate affordable multifamily rental housing projects. DCHFA has an updated process for tax exempt bond allocation, which is detailed in the following documents:
- Updated Tax Exempt Bond Volume Cap Allocation Process
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- Readiness Application
- Stage II Checklist
- Conduit Issuance Term Sheet
- DCHFA Supplemental Bond Issuance Policy
The January 2025 Readiness Round timeline is as follows:
- January 8 – January Readiness Guidelines Published
- February 7 at Midnight- Application Submission Due Date
- February 8 to February 28 -Staff Review of Initial Submission
- March 1 to March 7 at Midnight- Cure Period for Errors and Omissions
- March 8 to March 21- Staff Review of Second Submission
- March 21 – Notification to Proceed to Further Underwriting or Notification of Future Consideration
Town Hall on Tax-Exempt Bond Issuance in the District 5.30.2024
Town Hall on Tax-Exempt Bond Issuance in the District 4.27.2023
Town Hall on Tax-Exempt Bond Issuance in the District 11.15.22.
Eligibility & Requirements
Program Eligibility
Nonprofit, for-profit and 501(c)(3) developers can access tax-exempt, taxable and 501(c)(3) bonds for the following eligible uses:
- Acquisition, construction, and permanent loans
- Fixed and variable rate loans
- Rated and un-rated tax-exempt and taxable bond financing
- Credit enhanced or un-enhanced financing, including financing under FHA Multifamily Insurance Programs, DCHFA-HUD Risk Sharing Program, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, DUS lending and Letter of Credit
Property Eligibility
The DCHFA’s financing can be used to rehabilitate or construct:
- Rental housing (affordable, mixed-income, market rate)
- Cooperatives (Limited Equity)
- Elderly housing
- Assisted-living facilities*
- Transitional housing
Program Requirements
Federal regulations require that developers/sponsors who utilize MMRB financing which is funded through the sale of tax-exempt private activity bonds do one of the following:
- Set aside at least 20% of their units for individuals or families earning at or below 50% of the area median income (AMI)
- Set aside at least 40% of their units for individuals or families earning at or below 60% of AMI adjusted for family size
Apply for the MMRB
If you’d like to apply for the MMRB, please review the program guidelines and fill out the application.
Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program (LIHTC)
If a project is approved for multifamily mortgage revenue bond financing through the sale of tax-exempt private activity bonds, then it is eligible to receive 4% Low Income Housing Tax Credits (LIHTC).
The 4% Low Income Housing Tax Credit Program (LIHTC) is a companion financing tool to the Mortgage Revenue Bond Program (MMRB). It finances these MMRBs through the sale of tax-exempt private activity bonds.
LIHTCs can be syndicated to generate part of the required equity a borrower must contribute to the financing, or can be utilized to offset the borrower’s tax payments.